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Romance, Adventure And Random Moments.

Hello I’m DeeDee and I’d like to welcome you to my blog, please take a chair by the fire and if there are too many fluffy pillows just knock them off on to the floor! First of all thank you for visiting me, I don’t know what you’ve been told about me but I can tell you right now that almost 99% is untrue… what’s that??? What about my brownie addiction??? I have no idea what you’re talking about!!! So hopefully you’re here because you’ve heard that I write… no??? Oh well as I’ve got you here I’m going to tell you ALL about it anyway!!! Now you know why that armchair has restraints on it! I love to write, I always have, but it wasn’t until my Aunt suggested that I try writing a book that I began to think how great it would be to write something that people might read and hopefully enjoy. So I settled down to produce a masterpiece… predictably the 90.000 words of my first story, written at sixteen, was pretty poor… but I like to think that I learn a lot from it. In any case my failure didn’t put me off and my next attempt ‘Broken City’ was born! I’ve written five stories so far (plus a few short stories), three of which are published and the other two are awaiting editing. They will be available sometime next year. They are the second books in three different series! I also love to review! When I like a book I find it hard to stop talking about it!!! Now that’s out of the way would you like a nice cup of tea and a brownie???

Simon the Coldheart: Review.

Simon The Coldheart - Georgette Heyer

I really love this book.

Again, it's not your typical Georgie Heyer. This is a medieval setting, not regency.

The reason I'm so fond of this book is the friendship between Simon, Alan and Geoffrey. Everything works against them being friends, but they overcome the obstacles because... well, basically because they're awesome!

I will just note that, although this book contains some romance, it's more of an adventure. I love that about it; there are battles, politics and intrigue, along with strong themes of loyalty and honour.

If you like more romance than history in your historical romance, then this probably isn't the book for you. However, if you want a more than a standard 'boy meets girl and they fall in love' with nice dresses scenario, (Oh, stop looking at me like that: we ALL read them!!!) then give this book a try. ;-P